Institute of Surveyors of Trinidad and Tobago

40 th Anniversary Celebrations
Board of Directors
Mr. Christian Persad
Message from the President
On behalf of the Board of Directors for the term 2024-2025, I wish to convey our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the membership of the ISTT for choosing us to lead this esteemed organization into what will be its 28th year of existence. As the incoming President I have outlined three (3) strategic goals for the next 12 months, all in alignment with the objectives of the ISTT as a professional organization. These strategic goals are as follows:
  • to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization,
  • to improve the public perception of surveying professionals, and
  • to create excitement/inspiration for the next generation of surveying professionals on the horizon.

Specific focus will also be placed on the rise of Artificial Intelligence, its impact on surveying professionals, and what expectations we may have for the future. I humbly ask that you give your support to the Board of Directors, who have all volunteered their valuable time, expertise and energy in service to you. We look forward to your input, participation, feedback and constructive criticism as we serve you the membership this coming year. It is my firm expectation and my purpose to ensure that there will be a positive outcome for all stakeholders at the end of our term of service.
Dr. Dexter Davis
Mr. Abraham Derry
Ms. Lizabeth Hamilton
Mr. Nigel Ramsey
Immediate Past President
Mr. Robert Williams
Mr. Colvin Blaize
Public Relations Officer
Mr. Esric Huggins
Assistant Secretary
Ms. Richelle Jeremie
Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Stephen Joseph Affoo
Ms. Natasha Bastaldo
Mr. Lenny Hanomansingh
Mr. David James
Trevor Narine
Mr. Derek Outridge
Mr. Darryl Ragoopath
Mr. David Superville